Business Process: Understanding And Defining The Need

Understanding the needs is the cornerstone in the implementation of a new business process. This is so that it can respond to concrete functional issues.
To define the needs, you must :
- Make an inventory of the existing system by identifying what works and the obstacles encountered
- Define the objectives
- Identify the working methods through observation and exchanges with the business collaborators
What are the main points of vigilance to take into account?
In order to not compromise the success of the project, it is important to identify all the steps of the process and not to group a set of steps under the same name. The intuitive generalization of steps is very common and can prevent the identification of an essential step.
To return to our use case, during a clinical trial, there is necessarily a validation by the health authorities. If they ask for additional information, we have 14 days to provide it, after which the request is cancelled and we have to start the procedure again from the beginning. This type of information must be clearly identified and must not be buried in the “Validation of authorities” stage.